02 January 2010

nak belajar apa sem nih?

today - as you can read...is 2nd of January 2010
and on 4th of January would be the 2nd week of the 2nd semester

apa yang akan aku belajar semester ini adalah :
RUS 102/5 - Integrated Studio 2
RPG 131/3 - Applied Quantitative Method
REG 162/3 - Introd
uction to Structure
RMK 252/3 - Principles of Project Management
REG 264/3 - Introduction to Information Technology

Those subjects look simple tapi semestinya akan ada yang jadi killer
macam last sem, bunyi macam simple
tp bila exam...berpeluh la jugak menjawabnya...

well nothing more special for the time being
except for almost all class
I am the class representative
I'm not sure whether it is good or not..but I'm sure it is tiring
so I make a decision that I wont be the leader in any group form in the future
enough managing the whole classes
not a group...

minggu pertama
student2 RUS103/5 mempunyai assignment
manakala students RUS102/5 pulak hanya dikehendaki membentuk satu formasi kelas yang ada ketua dan barisan exco
to make a paperwork as our project in the future which is a trip to Balok,Pahang...
a place where I never heard before
that's fine
tambah-tambah aku ketua (again and again)
bukan nak merungut tapi tak ada ker org lain yang rasa dia nak jadi ketua buat seketika?
handle the classes
jadi rebutan antara lectureres?
dpt panggilan tak kira masa?

apa2 pun
assignment aku minggu ini hanyalah
menyiapkan satu article yang bertajuk "Bottom Billion" - Housing Affordability for Low Income People
dan article ini harus dihantar pada 7hbln ini dan...mestilah mempunyai muka surat tak kurang dan tak lebih dari 10muka surat.

selamat maju jaya!

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