13 June 2009

senyum is SMILE!

"muke kau,kalau org tak kenal kau lah,kau jatuh tepi jln pun jgn haraplah ada org nak angkat"

One of my friends did said to me that sentence.
That's among the opinions that I ever get from people around me
the latest one
Ily said to me "You punye muka garang r,tgk dlm gmbr pun dah tau,u tak reti senyum"

p/s : I am. I am the person with 1 face. No smiles.

I admit what you guys said to me
and i accept it
but i don't really care

because "Don't judge a book by its cover" and "Tak kenal maka tak cinta"
I got no reason to be always smiling
for the whole day
for the most of the time
wherever and whenever I go
and i never begging you to accept me

Somehow i know
most of you know me better
my Friends
they know my good and bad sides
maybe most of the bad sides
I am not a good person yet
not the best human on earth

one of the thing that i hate to is SMILE
because i always think that when i am smiling
it is a fake
and i felt that i am so PELASTIK

but i am learning like i had said to my friend : I am learning
as we grew up
we accept the changes around us
and we learn and we change
i tried to be a better person
trying to have a chit chat around me
the person that i never met
which is
mengasah bakat berkomunikasi (what the heck? i can talk kot)

and i know
saya bukan manusia yang suka senyum
who can make me smile all the time?
i dare you to make me smile for every second that i have now!!!

i know how to laugh
and if i laugh, it's hard for me to stop
even there's incident in Lect Physics Puan Zaiton
Fathul is making some fussy and jerk thing
which makes me laugh
and Puan Zaiton said " ada orang tu suka belajar Physics sampai beringgut (bergoyang) kerusi2"
ya guys for student KMK batch 2008/2009 Sem 1 Lect F4, the guy is Me!
padahal at that time we are learning Torque, one of the toughest subtopic kot!

the thing is smiling
it is the hardest thing for me now
could it be because i am not happy now?
or what else?
muke saya sgt masam
tp hati saya GUMBIRA!



  1. muka ak lg garang kot...
    siyes...ak tgh serius depa ckp ak marah...
    bengang ak...lg ak marah...

  2. hahaha
    muka hg memang!
    tp kalo aku tgk hg mrh mmg aku tau hg marah!

  3. Is it.. 4 me yre not.. X penah plak ko wat cam tuh kat ak.. Neva felt that way when I meet U...
    I always taught that Yre cool & fun guy.. Seyes!! I relly did.. Herm...

  4. owh kau che pejal
    sebab tuh aku ckp
    tak kenal maka tak chenta
    tp aku chilex ja
    thank you thank you

  5. jangan marah jangan marahhh. haha. :D okok fair and square, i pun tak reti senyum, so sekarang i dare u pulak to make me smile for the whole time nanti bile dgn u. okay? :D

  6. cool faiz...aku rasa hg ok jaa ngn aku..senyum ja kot..hehe..

  7. honestly ko snyum manis.....de lesung pipit yg cumil....smile always k...

  8. hahahha...serius,aku cakap..muka ank memg npak garang....kalu owg x kenal ,mst benci gla kt ank ni...
    huhuuhuh..aku nk ckpa smthink ni..tau x,dulu,masa 1st time aku jumpa ank kt dlm kels..
    aku benci sgt kt ank..masa 2,kelas bi la...
    aku ingat lg..memg tension gla la...tah la napa...blik bilik ja..aku dh kutuk2 ank kt rmate aku...alahai..bnyaknya dosa aku kt ank..huhuhhu...sori la ek???..
    tp,skunk dh x mcm 2 dh..ank ni ok ja..
    baik g2!!!
    walaupun,agak gla2 la...suka mengacau...

  9. syes memg muka ang nmpk sombong gila la..kdg mnyampah gak tgk..but now da knai mka dah cinta la..hahahahaaaaa
